Monday, December 22, 2008

***It's the Holiday Season...***

Wow is it or what?!
Everyone always talks about how busy they get at this time of year. I totally agree and we don't even have kids yet. I have been packing our house for the last week to get it all done by Christmas eve, so we can go have a relaxing 1 1/2 days at my inlaws house with all the family. Then we will be taking off on the 26th to move to vegas! Ya I never thought I would move back, but it just makes sense for our long term goals and mission of our Family. Don't you fret! We won't be there forever.

Anyway, besides packing I have been planning dinner for 20 on Christmas Eve. Planning the menu, writing the grocery list, and trying to take everyone's special dietary needs into consideration. It is seriously hilarious how many people have things they either can't or won't eat. I can't really complain though, cuz I am pretty particular when it come to what I will put into my body too!

Those two time consuming activities have been squeezed between building our business that is growing like a wildfire. Speaking of that... We just got back from a full expenses paid trip to the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas for 5 days. All paid for by AMWAY GLOBAL!!! It was so much fun!
We went and saw Phantom of the Opera (which I loved. Isn't this such an amazing pic of the chandelier. I wasn't supposed to take any pics), the Wayne Brady Show, and the boys went 180 miles per hour in Indy Cars at the Las Vegas Raceway. On top of that we got to spend time with some amazing leaders and learn about new advancements in products, more money for business owners, and all the new sponsorships that Amway Global is taking on.

One in particular that I am pumped about, Artistry Skin Care is having a modeling search teamed up with NEXT modeling agency to find the next FACE OF ARTISTRY! They will be awarded a $100,000 contract. Crazy huh?!

Anyway, gotta get back to packing!!! Have a Merry Christmas!