Thursday, July 31, 2008

Great advice from a SuperMom and SuperWoman!

So today I was just messing around on the computer and decided to go to for any new health info out there. I was pleasantly surprised to find a article written by the awesome Gabrielle Reece. Gabby, formerly a pro beach volleyball player, her face also can be seen on the cover of magazines such as Sports Illustrated for Women, Travel & Leisure Golf, Women's Sports & Fitness, Outside, Elle, Shape, Self, Harpers' Bazaar, Volleyball, Fitness, and in Life, Vogue, People and other magazines. Gabby is one of three athletes named in Women's Sport & Fitness' 20 Most Influential Women in Sports list (Aug/1997).

The best part of all of this is that she is now a spokeswoman for NUTRILITE!!! It is so great to have such clout in the health world that someone as well respected as Gabby would come on board with the Brand!

Anyway, now to what I was really excited about... Check out her article: "The Olympics: 7 Fitness Lessons We Can Learn" Everything that she says is so true! It of course would be great to apply these things in our fitness but also in other areas of our life!
What do you think?

Monday, July 28, 2008

Green is IN!

So i used to think that only the crazy left wing people were into going Green, but it seems as though everyone including myself is getting concerned with how our daily activities affect the world. It is no longer a political thing, but just a smart person thing.

Even the Energy Drink companies are making moves to make our world better:
Check this out!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Goals, weightloss, success...

So I know it has been a while since my last blog. Been a little busy... Cali, vegas, Oregon, Arizona- just a few of the places we have been lately. It is a blast but I'm pumped to get my workouts back on track. Also while in Oregon we set new goals for our business, got focused and have set out on a plan to accomplish them by the deadline date.
I work much better with goals that are attached to a specific date. When I know what I am shooting for, as long as the desire to accomplish is HUGE then I will go about the daily activities and discipline it takes. Besides setting the goal, i have to confess it to others. Maybe I'm the only one with this issue, but in the past it has been too easy to just give up when no one else is keeping me accountable. How bout you?

Do u have any fitness or weightloss goals that you really want to reach but are having a hard time getting motivated to do what it takes?!
That was me till I realized what keeps me going... Just like confessing to others with all other goals in life, with fitness I will run if I know I have to be in shape. That's why I just registered for the Las Vegas half marathon on December 7. I'm excited and if I have to run 13.1 miles that morning, I have to start preparing daily. That is what has seemed to keep me on track in the past too, registering for sport events. What works for you?
So... Today is the first day of my training and of course using Nutrilite suplements to keep me going. I'll let ya know soon what I use for my marathon training supplement regiment!