Tuesday, May 19, 2009

So it has been forever...

Trying to keep up with the blog has been a challenge. We are just having too much fun!

Moved to Vegas... Participated in Easter Seals, Amway Global event... Traveled to Cali, Arizona, Michigan... Attended a board meeting and event for a MultiBillion Dollar, International Corporation... Joined the gym (trying to get in shape)... Finally got curtains in house up... Starting growing some organic veggies and herbs (so far my thumb is Green but we will see)... Discovered the best treatment for Trevor's allergies... Spend half the month in Vegas and half the month in Cali... Enjoying not having a JOB...

Well those are a few things that we have been up to! What about you?


Ironman said...

It's been an awesome 51/2 months for me too. Sponsored almost as many people in the first 5 months as I did all of last year!
Looking forward to an incredible second half of 2009, and go Magic!!